Monday, June 23, 2014

Welcome to the first Bexley Blog – we hope you will share your thoughts about our designs, quality, and workmanship. We hope to share some of the thought process that goes into our designs. Let’s take a look at our latest offering – The Stalwart.

What’s in a name? If you are a parent or if you have ever named a pet, you know how important a name can be. As a pen manufacturer, we, too, are careful about the names we give to our collections.
According to, Stalwart means “strong and stoutly built; sturdy and robust.” We, at Bexley Pen, hope that you will find this pen lives up to its name.
You will notice the circular grooves machined into the barrel and cap of each Stalwart. These have been added to enhance both tactile and visual appeal.
Take a look at the Stalwart, . If you have already purchased a Stalwart, share your thoughts on the look and feel of the newest addition to the Bexley Pen Collection.

An additional meaning of Stalwart is steadfast and uncompromising – please note that Bexley Pen is steadfast in our commitment to quality and value for each and every Bexley Pen collector.


  1. Happy to be the first to comment. As a writer I can justifiable say a pen, or pencil is part of who you are. Although I write with many different pens, a Bexley is more than just a pen , it's a statement , it's a reflection of quality not only the quality of the Bexley pen but the quality of the work you produce. You can write with anything but if you want a winning image you will sport a Bexley in your shirt pocket or displayed on handsomely on your desk.

    R. M. Roche
    COAL Mining Executive
    Writer and Historian

    1. Thank you Richard for getting us off to a wonderful start! We hope that other people who enjoy writing with a fine writing instrument will share their feelings and experiences with the device used to bridge the gap between the mind and the physical world.

  2. What was the name of the Bexley that was like the Monarch but longer and had a clear area on the barrel to see how much ink was present?
